The Forest Harvest Collective Mark is an evolving community forestry label taking its roots from initial standards development in community gathered forest honey products. In recent years, FHCM organizers have been expanding the label to cover such products as handwoven eco-textiles and rattan. FHCM builds on the systems and principles of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS). In Indonesia, the PGS ROLES or PGS Rotan Lestari system has been implemented for several years and has functioning institutions and systems. FHCM organizers wish to build on this experience to develop regional rattan standards.
PGS ROLES in Indonesia has certified rattan producers in Kalimantan and Sulawesi based on active participation of stakeholders. The system has provided opportunities for rattan smallholders to tap opportunities unknown to them before. Recently, a European rattan basket company that source their rattan from rattan community groups in Indonesia has completed their PGS ROLES audit and is soon to receive their PGS ROLES certificate.
The overall objective of the workshop was to develop a FHCM regional standard for rattan products, and specifically to discuss recommendations on FHCM Rattan development and to share inputs on the inspection and verification process.